Wednesday, January 30, 2013

HotSpot -XX:+PrintComilation output, what does it mean?

HotSpot -XX:+PrintAssembly How to:


Build the plugin:

For PrintAssembly to work, you need hotspot disassembler plugin. You can download a prebuilt one, or build it your self.  The source is located <jdk>/src/share/tools/hsdis.  There is a README.  Here are the steps I did:
(0. copy the source code from hotspot bundles: hotspot/src/share/tools/hsdis)
1. cd  <jdk>/src/share/tools/hsdis
2. Download binutils from, put it under build/binutils.  The makefile will look for binutils under build by default.  Or you can build binutils separately and export the environment variable  BINUTILS=<path> "export BINUTILS=<.../tools/hsdis/build/binutils-2.22>
3. make
4. You might see error
hsdis.c:32:20: error: sysdep.h: No such file or directory
Need to change hsdis.c
-bash-4.1$ diff hsdis.c hsdis.c.orig                                                                                 
< #include <errno.h>
> #include <sysdep.h>

Try make again.
5. copy (or other names depending on the platform) to <jdk>/jre/lib/amd64

Generate the assembly code:

 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintAssembly
You can separate the assembly output to another file -XX:+LogVMOutput -XX:LogFile=foo*.log .

Things to look for:

lock addl

HotSpot -XX:+LogCompilation How to:

"The -XX:+LogCompilation flag produces a low-level XML file about compiler and runtime decisions, which may be interesting to some. The -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions must come first. The dump is to hotspot.log in the current directory; use -XX:LogFile=foo.log to change this."

LogCompilation gives similar information as -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+PrintInling, with more information why a decision is made.

Generate the log:

 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogCompilation -XX:LogFile=foo.log

Build the log parser:

The log is low level xml, which is hard to read.  You can build a parser logc.jar to parse the log. Steps:
(0. copy the source code from hotspot bundles: hotspot/src/share/tools/LogCompilation)
1. cd  <jdk>/src/share/tools/LogCompilation
2. make
It creates build dir, and generates logc.jar

How to use the log parser: (From README under share/tools/LogCompilation)

 -bash-4.1$ cat README                                                                                                
This is a very rough tool for parsing -XX:+LogCompilation output.
It's main purpose is to recreate output similar to
-XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+PrintInlining output from a debug JVM.  It
requires a 1.5 JDK to build and simply typing make should build it.

It produces a jar file, logc.jar, that can be run on the
hotspot.log from LogCompilation output like this:

  java -jar logc.jar hotspot.log

This will produce something like the normal PrintCompilation output.
Adding the -i option with also report inlining like PrintInlining.

More information about the LogCompilation output can be found at

What does it mean in the log output?

The output produced by logc.jar has better format than those produced by -XX:+PrintComilation -XX:+PrintInlining (some lines tangle together).  Also gives more details on compilation, like 'uncommon trap', 'not entrant' , 'zombie'.
'uncommon trap': something changed.  May need recompile
'not entrant': new calls are not allowed to enter this
'zombie': on its way to death.

70 make_not_entrant
2 uncommon trap class_check maybe_recompile
  @14 HighContentionSimulator run ()V
2 uncommon trap class_check maybe_recompile
  @14 HighContentionSimulator run ()V
2 uncommon trap class_check maybe_recompile
  @14 HighContentionSimulator run ()V
2 make_not_entrant
65 make_not_entrant
3%   HighContentionSimulator::run @ 2 (24 bytes)
    @ 14 java.lang.Runnable::run (0 bytes)
     type profile java/lang/Runnable -> HighContentionSimulator$Mode$1 (59%)

Lines start with @ is line:

@ 14 java.lang.Runnable::run (0 bytes)

If no other reasons are printed, it is inlined.

 @ 23 java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::selfInterrupt never execute

If there is a reason, then it is not inlined.

With hotspot   -XX:+PrintComilation, you can get something like this:
 8922    3 %     4       HighContentionSimulator::run @ 2 (24 bytes)
<timestamp> <compilation-id> flags <comilation-level if TieredCompilation is on> <Method> @ 2 (code size)
flags: %: is_osr_method (on stack replacement)
         s: is_synchronized
         !: has_exception_handler
         b: is_blocking
         n: is_native
@: 2: it is osr_method and osr_bci is 2